Camp Information
Please read this important information before you register for camp. Click on each header for more info.
There will be early registration for members and discounts for families with qualifying membership levels at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum and Leslie Science & Nature Center available on Tuesday, January 28 at 6 p.m. Family Plus Premium members will receive discount codes via email on Jan. 25th. This discount code is for $20 off each camp session. However, creating space and opportunity for everyone is a core part of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiative. 50% of camp spots will be open for early registration, and 50% will be open for public registration (on Thursday, January 30th at 6 p.m.). Members are still welcome to register during the public registration period! Waitlist spots will also open up during public registration. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to camp@unityinlearning.org.
• Lunch
• Water Bottle
• Weather-appropriate clothes
• Hat
• Sunscreen/Bug Spray
• Change of clothes (including undergarments)
• Sturdy shoes (strap -on sandals, sneakers, boots)
• A bag or backpack to hold it all
• No flip flops
• No tank tops (protect your shoulders from the sun!)
• No electronics
• It is a camper’s responsibility to keep track of all of their belongings while at camp. To support campers’ success in this area, we encourage families to label all belongings with a camper’s first and last name and send all items in a bag or backpack. -
We require a 100% completed digital health profile. All camper personal and health information is gathered and stored in the digital health record system CampDoc.
ALL health profiles must be completed by previous Wednesday prior to their first day of camp. We make phone calls to families the week before for incomplete profiles.
Incomplete profiles will require you to complete a paper copy of your form onsite and will result in your Monday morning drop off taking considerably longer than it would otherwise. Campers will not be permitted to stay at camp until their health profile is completed.
You should direct any challenges accessing CampDoc or other technical issues to CampDoc's expert customer support staff—they will be able to help you quicker and more effectively than we can.
Each camp day follows the same basic schedule, though daily activities vary depending on age group and camp theme.
8:30 Camper Sign-In and Morning Stations
Campers arrive and get settled into their camp space. While we are waiting for everyone to arrive, campers will choose from several different activities like art making, exploring specimens, or playing with blocks, Legos, and other toys.9:00 House Meeting
To start off our day, campers will gather to hear the day's schedule, play some name games, sing songs, and do cheers. On Mondays, all camp groups review the camp rules and talk about campers’ hopes and expectations for the week.9:15–11:30 Morning Activities
This time is spent on activities that relate to the theme of the week. This might include going outside, doing experiments, playing games, or creating art! We try and spend as much time outdoors as possible. A morning snack will be provided. On Mondays, Morning Activities end early for All Camp when all camp groups come together for games and songs.11:30–12:45 Lunch and Free Time
Lunch is held eating picnic style outside with the camp groups. To make sure they have enough energy for the day, campers, staff, and volunteers stay seated and focused on eating and drinking water for at least 20 minutes.12:45–1:30 Chillaxation
Campers are given time to relax and reflect on the day's adventures. Stories, reading, drawing, resting, cloud watching, and other quiet activities are included.1:30–2:45 Choice Time
During choice time, Camp Educators and volunteers will offer 3 activities and campers choose which they would like to participate in. Each day there is an active choice, artsy choice, and a science choice.2:45–3:30 Afternoon Snack, Clean-up, and Circle Games
Campers return to their houses to tidy up for the day, usually taking their belongings outside for pick-up. After the space is tidy and everyone is ready to go, camp groups will eat a snack and work together to brainstorm a list for their “Ask Me About” board which includes a list of topics or questions that are meant to spark conversations about camp experiences between campers and their families. Camp groups will play silly circle games, sing songs, or practice brain teasers until families arrive.3:30 Camper Sign-Out
Our camp day ends promptly at 3:30 p.m., unless you have opted in for a Camp Cool-Down. All campers must be picked up and signed out by someone on their Emergency & Release Form. Anyone picking up a camper will be asked to show photo ID to the staff member present. -
Like the daily schedule, our weekly camp schedule follows the same basic arc, though activities change based on age group and camp theme. On short weeks, this schedule is subject to change, but will always include Choice Day—we know that is a favorite part of camp!
Morning: House Meeting, Morning Activities Lunch & Free Time
Afternoon: Chillaxation, Choice Time, Clean-up & Games
Snacks: Apples/PretzelsTuesday
Morning: House Meeting, Morning Activities Lunch & Free Time
Afternoon: Chillaxation, Choice Time, Clean-up & Games
Snacks: Clementines/Tortilla chipsWednesday*
Morning: House Meeting, Morning Activities Lunch & Free Time
Afternoon: Chillaxation, Choice Time, Clean-up & Games
Snacks: pretzels/popsicles
*Group may have a special visitor OR go on a field trip on Wednesdays!Thursday
Morning: House Meeting, Morning Activities Lunch & Free TimeAfternoon: Chillaxation, Choice Time, Clean-up, & Games
Snacks: Apples/ Tortilla Chips
Morning: House Meeting, Volunteer Choice, Lunch & Free TimeAfternoon: Chillaxation, Choice Carnival*, Friday Finale** Clean-up & Games
Snacks: Clementines/ Popcorn or Sweet Snack
*Choice Carnival: Campers will circulate with their group to several different stations including silly games and tie-dye.
**Camper families at LSNC are invited to meet us at the rock wall where campers share what they did this week! (Friday Finale is not open to visitors at AAHOM due to parking and space complications)
Camp Cool-Down is our extended aftercare program that runs from 3:30-5:00pm. During this time, educators provide campers with a wide variety of chill activities to help campers wind down after a camp day. Campers must be registered for a camp session to register for that week's cool-down program.
• Field trips are included in programming for some camp groups. Campers, Camp Educators, and Volunteers will take chartered school busses, AATA busses, or walk for most trips. Unity in Learning will provide details about field trips and visitors to registered campers and families by email in advance of the camp week and by checking in during camp drop-off. The CampDoc.com electronic health record includes a blanket release for off-site field trips.
• For site security and camper safety, parents, guardians, and other family and friends are not allowed on-site during the day as they can disrupt activities and bring on homesickness. However, if you need to pick up a camper early or have any concerns you are welcome to contact the site office where your camper is attending camp.
Leslie Science & Nature Center Camp Phone: (734) 205-9556
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum Camp Phone: (734) 786-2631
DROP-OFFLeslie Science & Nature Center Procedure:
Camp drop-off begins at 8:30am and goes until 9am. On the first day of the week, adults must park and walk up to be greeted by camp leadership. There, they will be directed to their camper’s building/space and will sign them with their lead educator(s). On the remaining days of the week, adults have the option of parking and walking up to drop their camper off at their building/space or they can drive up, remain in their vehicle, and a teen volunteer will escort their camper to their camp space. Outdoor camp activities begin promptly half an hour after camp opens and camp groups leave their buildings. If a situation arises, making later drop-off time necessary, please call the camp phone so an alternate plan can be made.
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum Procedure:
Camp drop-off begins at 8:30am and goes until 9am. Adults should remain in their vehicle during the entirety of drop-off. Adults should pull their car in front of the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum, facing EAST on East Ann Street. Please click HERE to see a map of where the drop-of line will form. There, they will be greeted by camp staff, sign their child in with camp staff, and then a teen volunteer will escort their camper to their camp space. Camp activities begin promptly half an hour after camp opens and camp groups may leave their indoor spaces. If a situation arises making later drop-off time necessary, please call the camp phone so an alternate plan can be made.
PICK-UPAll campers must be picked up and signed out by someone listed on the emergency contacts and release section of their CampDoc.com electronic health record.
Leslie Science & Nature Center Procedure:
Pick-Up occurs between 3-3:30pm. Please park your vehicle and walk up to your camper’s designated building/space. There, you will sign them out with their educator. A staff member will check IDs and help camper gather their things. Unity in Learning camps must charge a fee of $1/minute (after a 10- minute grace period) when campers are picked up late. If you know you will be arriving late to pick up a camper, please call the camp phone. Camp Cool-Down campers will remain with camp staff between 3:30-5pm and will follow the same protocol listed above when campers are picked up.Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum Procedure:
Pick-Up occurs between 3-3:30pm. Please pull your vehicle in front of the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum and remain in vehicle. The line will face EAST on East Ann Street, just like drop-off. Please click HERE to see a map of where the drop-of line will form. Then, a UIL staff member will check IDs, facilitate sign-out, and help camper gather their things. Unity in Learning camps must charge a fee of $1/minute (after a 10-minute grace period) when campers are picked up late. If you know you will be arriving late to pick up a camper, please call the camp phone. Camp Cool-Down campers will remain with camp staff between 3:30-5pm. Adults picking up should briefly park their car on East Ann Street in front of the museum and come check in with the front desk. They will radio camp staff and instruct adults where to go to sign out their camper.
LATE DROP-OFF OR EARLY PICK-UPIf you have to drop off late or pick up early, please inform camp staff ASAP. All campers must be signed out by someone listed on the emergency contacts and release section of their CampDoc.com electronic health record before leaving camp. If a later drop-off or early pick-up time is necessary, please call the site office where your camper is attending camp. Come prepared to call the camp phone to find out where your camper’s group is. Please have the appropriate ID ready if picking up.
CAMPER RELEASEAnyone (including parents) picking up a camper from Unity in Learning camp must be authorized to do so on the emergency and release contacts section of a camper’s CampDoc.com electronic health record. Whenever possible, we request that guardians communicate with staff at drop-off to let us know who will be picking up their camper(s). Anyone picking up a camper will be asked to show photo ID to the staff member present, even if you dropped off your camper or have attended a previous camp, so please bring a driver's license or other photo ID (Washtenaw County IDs and passports are accepted) every day. Any changes or modifications to a camper’s release list must be made in in CampDoc.com or in writing to the Camp Director. In order to ensure camper safety, any photo ID must have the adult’s name in English.
Tip: Some families email themselves or save a picture of their Photo ID in their phone in case their ID is lost, forgotten, or stolen. We highly recommend this!
• Campers are not permitted to carry their own medication at camp.
• All medications must be given to a camper’s Camp Educators at sign-in on their first day of camp. Emergency rescue medication (such as inhalers, Benadryl, EpiPen®, etc.) will be carried by camp staff and remain near your camper.
• All prescription medication must be in the original prescription bottle with the camper’s name on the label.
• Families are required to complete a medication authorization in their CampDoc Electronic Health Record for all campers requiring medication while at camp (including emergency rescue medication).
• Medications can be picked up daily or left at camp for the week, where it will be locked up overnight. -
All in-person camp registrations will require a deposit paid upon registration: $75 for a full week session, $20 for break camps, one-day camp sessions, and camp cool-down. Any cancellation made within 14 days of the start date of the camp program will not be eligible for a refund. All cancellation requests must be submitted through your CampDoc account. Refunds will be issued through the CampDoc and may take up to 6 weeks to process.
Summer camp cancellation fees are dependent on the date requests are received through CampDoc. See the following for details:
January–February: full refund for weeklong camps, one-day camps, and Camp Cool-Down
March–April: $30 cancellation fee for weeklong camps; $10 cancellation fee for one-day camps and Camp Cool-Down
May–September: $75 cancellation fee for weeklong camps (full deposit); $20 cancellation fee for one-day camps and Camp Cool-Down (full deposit)
If you cancel within 14 days of your camp session, you will not receive a refund. Break camps will be charged the full deposit fee on cancellations due to the shorter registration window.
If a participant fails to attend a registered session without notice, no refund will be issued. In cases of homesickness, dismissal from camp, or voluntary withdrawal, there will be no refund of any fees.
In alignment with keeping our community safe, we also strongly urge families to keep their camper(s) home if exhibiting any symptoms of illness. One goal of our Cancellation Policy is to encourage honesty and communication. With this transparency, we ask families to communicate camper symptoms with camp leadership, and have the option to receive a refund specifically for the days their camper(s) cannot attend due to illness.
Our cancellation policy states that each camp program has a non-refundable deposit: $75 for week-long sessions, $20 for one-day sessions and camp cool-down sessions. The remaining tuition for week-long sessions will be divided by five camp days and refunds will be given based on days missed due to illness. We are trusting our camp families to not take advantage of this and our nonprofit, and only utilize this when truly sick/exhibiting symptoms. Please see below for the sick cancellation refund option:
Camp Days Missed Due to Illness
One: $60
Two: $120
Three: $180
Four: $240
Five: $300*One-day camp sessions will be refunded $50 if missed due to illness.
We reserve the right to grant exceptions in situations as needed. Please note that this policy differs from cancellation policies used for other programs.
Camp age groups are determined by grade completed in the previous school year. 4/5 year old (completed full day Young 5’s, day care, preschool, or similar program), K/1st Grade (completed Kindergarten or 1st Grade), 2nd/3rd Grade (completed 2nd or 3rd Grade), or 4th/5th Grade (completed 4th or 5th Grade), Middle School (completed 5th, 6th, or 7th grade)
If your camper would like to be in the same group as a friend or family member that is the same age, please be sure that both you and the other camper indicate this in your CampDoc health profile, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Campers are allowed to register for up to three summer camp weeks at each site offered. When a camp session is full, you may register to be on the waitlist for the camp. Waitlist spots will be available beginning January 30th during public registration. Camp families who are on the waitlist will be contacted by phone and email when a camp spot opens. There is a 24-hour window to accept, or the opportunity is passed onto the next family. If a waitlist spot opens up for a session starting the following week, the response window may be shorter. You may be removed from a waitlist at any time by contacting camp leadership or putting in a cancellation request through CampDoc. Families with multiple children, please reach out to camp leadership if a sibling(s) waitlist status would impact your other registered child(ren) attendance at camp. Questions regarding waitlist opportunities should be directed to camp leadership at camp@unityinlearning.org.
ACA/CDC recommendations for best practices will be monitored for changes and policies/procedures may change accordingly.
Masks are optional for campers both indoors and outdoors. Masks are optional for staff both indoors and outdoors. Masking is always welcome and encouraged for those who want to wear them.
Families will be contacted through CampDoc if their camper was exposed to a communicable disease within their camp group. See our refund policy for details about refunds due to illness.
Details regarding all camp policies and procedures can be found in our Camp Family Policy Handbook.