Snakes and the Scientific Method

Practice observation skills to pick up the subtle cues that help us to understand the natural world. Throughout the program, students will learn to use the scientific method as they attempt to discover a snake’s natural habitat. Then we’ll perform an experiment to test the students' hypotheses using live snakes.


Experience live, interactive programs right in your classroom! Our educators use videoconferencing technology to share science, nature and math activities with your students, engaging them in a dynamic, hands-on learning experience.

Cost: $175

To Register: We book our Distance Learning programs through the Center for Interactive Learning & Collaboration (CILC). Book your program, today!

We provide:

  • A kit with materials for interactive experiments for 30 students.

  • A Teacher’s Guide to prepare you, your classroom, and your students before the experience.

  • Extension activities and resources for further exploration.

Grade Level: 3-5

Duration: 50 minutes

Group Size: 30 students

Set up: You can use H.323 videoconferencing system or a computer with Zoom, a webcam, speakers, and microphone.

Next Generation Science Standards:

Students participating in this program will explore science content as stated in the Disciplinary Core Ideas. They will engage in science and engineering practices as they ask questions, analyze and interpret data, and engage in arguments from evidence about different species of snakes and their habitats.

LS1.A: Structure and Function

  • Plants and animals have both internal and external structures that serve various functions in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction.

LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience

  • When the environment changes in ways that affect a place’s physical characteristics, temperature, or availability of resources, some organisms survive and reproduce, others move to new locations, yet others move into the transformed environment, and some die.

LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits

  • Many characteristics of organisms are inherited from their parents.

  • Other characteristics result from individuals’ interactions with the environment, which can range from diet to learning. Many characteristics involve both inheritance and environment.

LS3.B: Variation of Traits

  • The environment also affects the traits that an organism develops. 

LS4.B: Natural Selection

  • Sometimes the differences in characteristics between individuals of the same species provide advantages in surviving, finding mates, and reproducing.

LS4.C: Adaptation

  • For any particular environment, some kinds of organisms survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.

LS4.D: Biodiversity and Humans

  • Populations live in a variety of habitats, and change in those habitats affects the organisms living there.

ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems

  • Asking questions, making observations, and gathering information are helpful in thinking about problems.


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