Live Animal Experience: Where Does That Snake Live?

Practice observation skills to pick up the subtle cues that help us to understand the natural world. After meeting different snakes up close, students will learn to use the scientific method as they attempt to discover one of the snake’s natural habitats. Then we’ll perform an experiment to test the students' hypotheses using live snakes.

Cost: $200 + mileage. Additional sessions on the same day available for $150/session. Please contact us for an exact quote.

Grade Level: 3rd - 6th

Duration: 1 hour; if more than one session is planned, 15 minutes must be scheduled in-between for material resets.

Group Size: 30 maximum, unless otherwise noted

Set up and location: Our staff will arrive at least 30 minutes prior to program to begin setting up. Programs require an open floor space with at least six feet between the staffer and the audience, and a six foot table.


Family Night: Math


Live Animal Experience: What Does the Habitat Need?