Engineering Design Lab + Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

Plan an adventure with your group of 15 or more students, where knowledge is your destination!

Explore the galleries: Students of all ages can explore over 250 interactive science and technology exhibits.

Engineering Design Lab Class (K-2nd): During your visit your students become scientists as they participate in a 50-minute ScienceWorks Lab class. Engineer your way through multiple problems. Design solutions while you experience the engineering process through questioning, planning, building, testing, and analyzing your creation. Labs are led by an instructor.


  • $16 per student ($10 admission + $6 lab).

  • Minimum of 15 students ($240).

  • All teachers and parent-chaperones are free. We request 1 adult chaperone/teacher for every 6 children.

  • <popup title="The Discover Science Assistance Fund offers need-based scholarships to help cover a portion of the fees for field trips to Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. Eligibility is determined based on the percentage of students who qualify for reduced/free lunch assistance, or who qualify for private school scholarships. These funds are made possible by the generosity of many friends of the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. Scholarship funds are not available for field trips to other locations at this time. To apply: Use the Book Your Field Trip button below.">Limited scholarships are available to those who qualify.</popup>

  • The Museum has limited facilities for groups that bring lunches. Lunchrooms can be reserved for $10 per group and must be reserved in advance.

Lab Class Capacity

Each classroom has a capacity of 30 students and we can offer 2 ScienceWorks at the same time for up to 60 students. We can accommodate a maximum of 120 students from a single school in lab classes per visit.

Pre-Visit Information

During Your Visit to the ScienceWorks Lab students will be expected to:

  • Sit in tables of 6 students and (at least) 1 adult

  • Students should be prepared to give their attention to the Lab instructors when requested to “Give Me Five”

  • Work cooperatively with one another at the table

  • Follow the hands-on procedures just as the Lab teacher or assistant explains them

  • Handle materials and equipment carefully

It is important that teachers and chaperones:

  • Help to focus the students’ attention

  • Assist students with the hands-on activities and experiments when necessary

  • Turn off cell phones during the class


Water Cycle Lab + Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum


Marvelous Magnets Lab + Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum