Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

(All ages) Plan an adventure with your students where knowledge is your destination. Students of all ages can explore over 250 interactive science and technology exhibits.

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Engineering Design Lab + Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

(K-2nd) Engineer your way through multiple problems. Design solutions while you experience the engineering process through questioning, planning, building, testing, and analyzing your creation. Students can explore over 250 interactive science and technology exhibits.

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Marvelous Magnets Lab + Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

(K-3rd) Make magnets float in mid-air while testing their ability to attract and repel each other! Students learn all about magnetism by using a variety of materials to explore and design. Students can explore over 250 interactive science and technology exhibits.

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Cow Eye Dissection Lab + Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

Dissect a real cow eye to investigate the inner workings of eyes! Students will be able to make connections to eye structure through this hands-on exploration. Students can explore over 250 interactive science and technology exhibits.

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