Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

(All ages) Plan an adventure with your students where knowledge is your destination. Students of all ages can explore over 250 interactive science and technology exhibits.

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Beaks, Feathers, Talons at Leslie Science & Nature Center

(3rd-5th) Leslie Science & Nature Center’s resident raptors help us explore bird adaptations and discover what helps them survive in the wild. Students will take a birding hike, run an experiment on beak designs, play a game, and meet one of our birds up close!

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Insect Investigations at Leslie Science & Nature Center

(K-5th) After building a bug, meeting live insects, and trying your hand at pollinating plants, students will learn what it's like to be a bee as they attempt to gather enough nectar for the hive.

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Cow Eye Dissection Lab + Explore Exhibit Galleries at Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

Dissect a real cow eye to investigate the inner workings of eyes! Students will be able to make connections to eye structure through this hands-on exploration. Students can explore over 250 interactive science and technology exhibits.

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